Be Open


A great card to launch this new year!

Keep your mind and heart open today and in this year ahead for whatever your angels are guiding you toward.

God made the earth round so we could not see too far down the road. Reach your arms out to hold God’s hands and say, “Yes, Lord, I trust your lead.”

Your angels are trying to reach you every day. Your path will become clearer this year.

Just be open!

Happy family CHANGE coming!

I am wondering exactly what change this card is referring to. I have my own ideas about how it relates to my personal life (I believe it could be someone I am close to who might be expecting now or soon – I won’t broadcast who it is). But I also see it relating to my own family life. I have some personal family challenges going on these days and I have hope that this could mean the challenges could be easing up soon.

I normally feel uncomfortable when the cards bring a message about the future in any way. My fears step in, afraid to misinterpret. But I do feel this card very solidly is communicating something to me about a loved one who might be pregnant or will soon become pregnant (assuming it is not myself). I have a feeling the Holidays coming up will reveal something to me on my visit home.  🙂

As far as presenting a general message to YOU, reader: If you are experiencing some challenges at home, know that they will not last forever. The angel message I get today  communicates LOVE very strongly. LOVE is magical. LOVE HEALS. Let your home be an oasis of LOVE, and let the healing power of LOVE melt your family turmoil away. Blanket the turmoil with love, and ask the angels to help fill you with love to protect you and to be a healing power in your own home.

Time to SLOW DOWN!

For some reason I felt motivated to pick two cards today (maybe because I haven’t posted through the Holidays and I’m making up for it).

Looks like the angels have a definite message of SLOW DOWN for me to share today. It’s funny – the cards for the past week have all been exciting cards that have helped me fuel my GO! GO! GO! attitude. I ended up getting sick over the weekend (my body forcing me to SLOW DOWN and make time for self care. I was looking forward to getting back full-force into things tonight, but this card message seems to tell me the opposite.

Perhaps the Holidays have gotten YOU into a crazy mode where you feel like you have to get everything done RIGHT NOW. I’m getting the message here that WE really need to slow down and catch our breaths for a bit.

Take it easy for a day or so.

Self care is extremely important today.

I’ve gotten SO many various messages about this today. One of which was a SARK message posted on Facebook today which I shared. Some good messages about self care in this video. Take a listen!