
It’s been a while since I’ve made a post because of personal reasons and my heart has been saddened by the Sandy Hook School Tragedy. I’ve been trying to figure out how to come to terms with it myself. Even though I am blessed to have my own children safe, I can’t help but feel for the parents who won’t have their precious children this Christmas.

My initial reaction was anger toward the gunman. After time has passed, my heart has softened, deciding to concentrate on the love I feel for those who passed as well as intense GRATITUDE for not only what I have safe at home, but a gratitude for my children’s caregivers and teachers. I am so very blessed to have such wonderful teachers caring for my children while I am busy at work every day.

When I look at this image of Jesus with the animals, I start to think about our teachers again. I see Jesus in the image surrounded by the bear, the lion and the wolf – but the lambs touch Jesus and are held by Him. Jesus protects the lamb, just as those teachers (alive and deceased) protected those children at Sandy Hook Elementary.

I am grateful beyond words for our teachers – our children’s mentors, who ultimately could be their protectors and saviors in evil situations.

My final words for this message: Open your heart to LOVE today and for the days ahead. Why? Because LOVE heals. Be a savior of LOVE today, giving a single act of kindness to your fellow man. It doesn’t have to be money at all. Give LOVE.

Cut Those Cords!

cut cords and booksThis post I am actually writing for myself, but get whatever you like from this message, please!

I had the most AMAZING angel reading for myself this morning, and it took less than 1 minute for the message to come across. I have had a few instances where the angels have been this amazingly PITHY.


I just found out that my 7-year-old daughter gave about half of her fairy book collection to one of her friends. For some reason I got very angry about this… particularly I think because two of the books she gave her friend were books that I had JUST bought her last week. I didn’t even know that she read them both in full already (she said she did). I told her I wasn’t letting her take any more of her books to school because I didn’t want her giving them all away.

“I bought these books for YOU, Rose!” I told her. “NOT for your friend!”

It was really getting me upset, and I was even starting to worry that maybe her friend had bullied her into giving them to her. Rose is so generous, but she also wants to make her friends happy, even if that means giving them some of her things.

The whole thing was STILL making me mad this morning. I was REALLY upset, wondering if I should call the kid’s mom to talk about it. I was even thinking I should never buy her any books again if all she’s going to do is give them away after she reads them. We might as well just go to the library instead.

Then came the time for my morning quickie angel card reading (a quickie is all I have time for), and I ended up getting the two cards above. The “Cut Your Cords” card went right over my head at first – that’s why I pulled another card, almost disregarding the first. And that was when the “Books” card came up. Not only was the card title a face slapper, but the IMAGE on the card was also appropriate, because the little girl who Rose gave her books to looks a lot like the girl in the image. Rose and her friend share a mutual love for writing and reading. The character in the image really shows that she loves to read, and made me think about how happy this girl must be to have these new books to read.

The angels really spoke directly – boldly – to me this morning, really nailing a potent message for me.

LET IT GO. Just let it go.

Positive Change!

Screen shot 2012-12-03 at 9.20.44 AM

Oh, yeah, baby.

2013 is bringing on some real awesomeness!

Keep your eyes and heart open to opportunities in the few coming months ahead. There is some interesting stuff coming our way!

This card communicates wealth to me (the golden look of the card – the golden image behind her seems to GLOW). To you this could mean financial abundance or otherwise, but regardless of the abundance, it is a positive abundance.

If 2012 was a year of struggle for you, some solutions are coming your way. Just keep your eyes open to the offerings that are coming to you, otherwise you will miss out on this upcoming change in your life (or at least delay it for a while).

2013 is a clean slate.

For some reason I feel like sharing this message from City Slickers. I’m going with it. Get from it what you like!  🙂